Theory of Change
E4E‚ Declaration Launch: Finding hope and my voice

Monday, February 27, 2017
Minnesota, National
Teresa Fenske-Fanucci, Fourth-grade teacher
” In this current political climate, all too often respect for others is disregarded. Empathy feels scarce, marginalized people are met with indifference, and our public education system is...
WATCH: Former D.C. schools chancellor, former U.S. education secretary among educators revealing new Declaration

Tuesday, February 21, 2017
” Original segment in NBC Washington¬†by Pat Lawson Muse. Former D.C. Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson and former U.S. Secretary of Education John King were among the educators revealing a...
See highlights from teachers' presentation of the new E4E Declaration and discussion with former Secretary of Education John King and former Chancellor of DC Public Schools Kaya Henderson

Wednesday, February 15, 2017
” On February 10, 2017, E4E members released their new Declaration of Teacher‚Äôs Principles and Beliefs, a shared set of values and principles that teachers believe are necessary to...
WATCH: Teachers unveil new E4E Declaration and discuss educational equity and excellence with former Secretary of Education John King and former Chancellor of DC Public Schools Kaya Henderson

Thursday, February 2, 2017
” Last Friday in Washington, D.C., E4E members released their new Declaration of Teachers’ Principles and Beliefs, a shared set of values and principles that teachers believe are...
Educators for Excellence Releases New Declaration of Teachers‚ Principles and Beliefs
Thursday, February 2, 2017
” Written by Classroom Teachers Nationwide, Represents Educators‚Äô Vision for Improving Student Outcomes and Elevating Their Profession Launched at DC Event with Former U.S. Ed Secretary...
Who we are… and who we are not
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Sarah Zuckerman, Executive Director, E4E-Boston
” As Educators for Excellence (E4E) launches in Boston, we have had early questions on who are are and what we do. First and foremost, we are here for students. In Boston, while there are many...
An unexpected path

Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Sarah Zuckerman, Executive Director, E4E-Boston
” I never intended to work in advocacy. In fact, when I started teaching in 2002, my assigned mentor told me what I am sure you have heard from countless others. Administrators and policies...
Teachers Talk Back: Syeita Rhey

Wednesday, March 11, 2015
” Syeita Rhey is a fourth grade teacher at Burr School in Hartford, Connecticut. In this conversation with E4E-Connecticut Outreach Director John Tucker, Syeita discusses teaching in the same...
Teacher voices on NCLB
Friday, January 16, 2015
Los Angeles
Original blog post in¬†Education Week’s¬†“Teaching While Leading” blog by Phylis Hoffman. Representatives, political analysts, and union leaders have spoken out in the recent...
For states creating teacher policies, a suggestion: Talk to teachers
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Los Angeles
Original blog entry at¬†Education Week¬†Teacher’s Teaching Ahead blog by Jeff Austin. In 2009, my principal was named California Teacher of the Year (ToY) and, as part of his ToY...
Giving thanks for our students through advocacy
Monday, November 24, 2014
Los Angeles
Araceli Morfin, Special Education Teacher, Bridge Coordinator at Roosevelt High School
” Like many educators, when I get asked the classic Thanksgiving question, ‚ÄúWhat are you thankful for,‚Äù I often talk about my students. My students at Roosevelt High School have...
New Bridgeport teachers group calls for better "PD"
Thursday, June 12, 2014
” Original article in¬†The Connecticut Post¬†by Linda Conner Lambeck. Educators 4 Excellence, a group funded at least in part by Steve Mandel‚Äôs Lone Pine Foundation, release a...
New Minn. group pushing for stronger teacher voice in education policy-making
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Minnesota, National
Original article in by Stephen Tellier. In St. Paul, teachers came to the brink of a strike vote. In dozens of other Minnesota districts, unions and districts are still negotiating teacher...
Innovating for equity
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Original op-ed in HuffPost Education by Elisa Villanueva Beard. The other Teach For America alums that were profiled — Sydney Morris ’07, Evan Stone ’07, Katie Beck ’08,...
Interview: E4E co-founder Evan Stone on how to better support teachers
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Educators 4 Excellence Co-CEO Evan Stone Original interview in Core of Education by Rod Berger. Educators 4 Excellence Co-CEO Evan Stone took time out to chat with the Core about educators and...
Interview: E4E co-founder Evan Stone on how to better support teachers
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Educators 4 Excellence Co-CEO Evan Stone Original interview in Core of Education by Rod Berger. Educators 4 Excellence Co-CEO Evan Stone took time out to chat with the Core about educators and...
E4E co-founders featured in Forbes 30 Under 30

Monday, January 6, 2014
Original article in Forbes. Evan Stone, Sydney Morris 29, 28 Cofounders, Educators 4 Excellence In 2010, these two former NYC public school teachers and Teach for America alumni founded this...
Teachers deserve (but have to earn) their seat at the table
Monday, October 14, 2013
Original article in Education Week’s Rick Hess Straight Up by Rick Hess. These are exciting times for teacher leadership. …It’s no coincidence that the landscape is rife with new...
Educators 4 Excellence-Minnesota members call on union and district leaders to keep Minneapolis and St. Paul contract negotiations open to public
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
National, Minnesota
” Closing Contract Negotiations During Mediation Denies Teachers and Public Meaningful Transparency into How Their Schools are Run October 1, 2013 (Minneapolis, MN)‚ÄîAs contract talks...
Voices of reason from the classroom
Friday, July 26, 2013
” Original post in Eduwonk by Sydney Morris and Evan Stone. Guestbloggers Sydney Morris and Evan Stone are co-founders of Educators 4 Excellence, a teacher-lead organization of more than 12,000...
Under siege‚ and in bid to stay relevant‚Äîteacher unions evolve
Sunday, June 9, 2013
” Original article appeared in The Hechinger Report by Sarah Butrymowicz HONOLULU ‚Äî The Hawaii State Teachers Association‚Äôs weekly briefing meeting had turned into a battle-planning...
The case for teacher voice in policy making
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Original mention in¬†U.S. Department of Education’s Teaching Matters newsletter. Educators for Excellence leaders Ama Nyamekye and Sydney Morris argue that teachers should be...
'Teachers can and should be agents of change,' say Ama Nyamekye and Sydney Morris
Friday, February 22, 2013
Los Angeles, New York
Why teachers need a representative voice in policy making Original post in¬†GOOD¬†by Ama Nyamekye and Sydney Morris. Whether you’re a teacher in Watts or the Bronx, as both of us were,...
E4E Co-Founder Sydney Morris shares why teachers started E4E
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Original article in Tulane New Wave by Catherine Freshley. Sydney Morris studied political science at Tulane, never dreaming of becoming a teacher, and she certainly never thought she would be at the...
E4E co-founder participates in Chicago Ideas Week
Friday, November 16, 2012
Original article in The Ideasphere by Sara Serritella. New Yorker Sydney Morris became a teacher after volunteering for after school programs in the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Katrina....