Support Educators for Excellence through a tax-deductible donation and help teachers identify pressing issues that impact their profession, create solutions to shared challenges, and advocate for policies and programs that give all students an equal opportunity to receive a quality education.
Our Tax ID number is 27-3382030.
Giving Online
Fill in the form below to start the process of making an online contribution. Once you hit the ‘donate’ button below, please follow the prompts to enter your contact and payment information.
Giving via Check
If you’d prefer to make a contribution via check, please make payable to Educators for Excellence and send to our New York office (Educators for Excellence, Attn: Accounting Team, 80 Pine St., 28th Floor, New York, NY 10005). You can indicate the chapter you’d like the donation to support in the memo line and/or complete our contribution form and mail in with your check.
Giving via Wire or ACH
We are also able to accept donations via wire or ACH payment. Reach out to our Development Team if you are interested in learning more
* All fields are required.