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Advocate for the policies and programs that give all students an equal opportunity to receive a quality education. Make your voice heard!


New York State: Improve Financial Literacy!

Monday, June 30, 2025

New York

Call on the New York State legislature to pass legislation or the New York State Education Department to issue a regulation to mandate the successful completion of a personal financial literacy course for all high school students to graduate.

CPS Teacher Leadership Matters!

Monday, June 30, 2025


Every CPS teacher deserves the opportunity to be a leader in their school. Opportunities to take on impactful instructional leadership roles (and be compensated for them) matter!

Tell Your Governor: These are Teachers’ Policy Priorities

Monday, June 30, 2025


Send a message to your Governor at the start of this school year to share educators’ policy priorities, and demand that we reimagine the way schools operate by designing dynamic, sustainable teacher roles that better serve all students, particularly our most vulnerable.

Tell LAUSD: Increase Teacher Prep Time

Monday, June 30, 2025

Los Angeles

In order to retain educators and make the teaching profession more sustainable, we are calling on the district to build in more time for teachers to practice their craft during paid working hours.

NYC Solves: Demand Ongoing Professional Learning

Monday, June 30, 2025

New York

While the investment in NYC Solves is encouraging, we must ensure this transition is implemented with high-quality, ongoing professional learning every step of the way.

Commit to Vote in the UFT Election!

Monday, June 30, 2025

New York

E4E believes that true change will come from disrupting the status quo by voting in the next union election. We want to make sure your voice is heard!

SURVEY: NYC Math Educators

Monday, June 30, 2025

New York

E4E-NY is surveying math teachers in NYC Public Schools in order to assess the effectiveness of math curricular materials and professional learning supports.