April 29, 2020
Teachers’ Unions and Districts Hammer Out New Expectations for Remote Teaching
Read the entire article by Stephen Sawchuk on Education Week.
Teacher contracts are beginning to catch up with the realities of the coronavirus pandemic.
And as it has done with so many other aspects of K-12 education, the coronavirus has forced districts to wrestle with a never-before-imagined question: If you can no longer realistically orient teachers’ duties and expectations in terms of a seven-and-a half hour day—or six periods and one prep—how do you do it?
What have emerged are more flexible arrangements for teachers. The actual amount of time teachers are expected to instruct on a daily or weekly basis is shorter. But they must reserve specific times for “office hours,” when they are available to help students and parents individually.
To read the complete article, visit Education Week.
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Teachers’ Unions and Districts Hammer Out New Expectations for Remote Teaching