May 5, 2020
It’s Good to Appreciate Teachers; Now, Let’s Listen to Them.
Read the entire op-ed by E4E-Chicago Executive Director Stacy Moore on Chicago Unheard.
This year, Teacher Appreciation Week has taken on a whole new dimension. With many states, including Illinois, now shuttered for the remainder of the school year, countless parents nationwide are looking ahead to months more of educating their own children at home. As families continue to struggle through this new reality, it’s clear teachers’ work is being appreciated now more than ever.
There are memes asserting a newfound and steadfast belief that teachers should be paid more. Digital resources galore are being shared about how to schedule, educate, and yes, even “classroom manage” your children. And there are heartwarming stories about how educators are showing up both digitally and literally to support students and families.
To read the complete article, visit Chicago Unheard.
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It’s Good to Appreciate Teachers; Now, Let’s Listen to Them.