February 5, 2024
Tameika Williams – 2024 Black History Month Educator Spotlight
Educators For Excellence •

Name: Tameika Williams
Role: Licensed Teacher, Education Pathway Coordinator
E4E Chapter: Minnesota
Why is it important to support Black educators in the classroom?
Education is freedom! Here in Minnesota, there is a teacher of color crisis — Our
students need and deserve diverse teachers, especially Black educators. We provide
experiences, representation and cultural connections that are lacking in many of our
schools. Research has shown that Black educators bring unique perspectives, an
understanding of systemic racism and inequity in the school system and high academic
expectations for students of color. Supporting Black teachers is educational justice for
our communities, educators and scholars.
How do you plan to celebrate Black History Month? (In your school, family
traditions, self-exploration, and care, etc.)
I celebrate BHM by being excited to uplift and celebrate Black figures throughout
history, past and present. I celebrate BHM by giving back to my community and
honoring the work of our elders and ancestors. I celebrate BHM by being a life long
learner. During BHM I plan to rest and pamper myself in honor and celebration of the
ancestors and those who came before me who did not have an opportunity to rest.
What is your favorite quote from a Black figure in history?
“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” Frederick Douglass
Addition comments you would like to make around Black History Month?
Black History is greater than one month; it is celebrated 365 days a year!
Currently Reading
Tameika Williams – 2024 Black History Month Educator Spotlight