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Supporters of the Racially and Culturally Inclusive Curriculum Act

We urge the Massachusetts General Court to swiftly pass The Racially and Culturally Inclusive Curriculum Act (S.304/H.671). We believe that the status quo approach to curriculum in Massachusetts schools does not do enough to ensure that our students learn in an inclusive way that ensures all perspectives are included. Current law in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts only requires that curriculum frameworks “avoid perpetuating harmful racial stereotypes,” but says nothing about elevating BIPOC perspectives, histories, and texts.

This bill, which has 18 co-sponsors in both chambers of the General Court, would close these gaps by ensuring the future DESE statewide curriculum frameworks in all subjects do the following:

• Require all new frameworks created by the Commonwealth to be “designed to build racially and culturally responsive knowledge and to combat racial and cultural bias”

• Elevate the history, achievements, and key writings by communities of color in all subjects

• Ensure input from educators, students, and communities of color when developing new curriculum frameworks

Massachusetts legislators must act now to ensure that students are taught in a way that makes space for everyone. Passing The Racially and Culturally Inclusive Curriculum Act will not only ensure our Commonwealth has a better, more inclusive curriculum. We urge the Joint Education Committee to report S.304/H.671 favorably out of committee and help us create a new generation of students in Massachusetts who will have the knowledge they need to confront inequity and actively dismantle racist systems.

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