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Under siege‚ and in bid to stay relevant‚Äîteacher unions evolve
E4E co-founder Evan Stone highlights the role unions have to play in moving the teaching profession forward as they continue to evolve (The Hechinger Report).
Getting It Right
New York City teachers offer recommendations for making teacher evaluations meaningful, differentiated, and a tool for improving instruction and student outcomes.
Preparing for the Classroom
New York teachers seek to improve the quality of teacher preparation programs with higher bars to entry, stronger instruction, and more opportunities to practice.
STEP: Supporting Teachers as Empowered Professionals
Los Angeles teachers recommend strategies to create new career pathways to elevate our expectations and aspirations for the future of the teaching profession.
Building for the Future
The case for teacher voice in policy making
Ama Nyamekye and Sydney Morris argue that teachers should be "agents of change" (U.S. Department of Education's Teaching Matters newsletter).
'Teachers can and should be agents of change,' say Ama Nyamekye and Sydney Morris
Ama, E4E-Los Angeles' executive director, and Sydney, E4E's co-founder, reflect on E4E teachers' efforts to create bottom-up change and elevate the voices of educators (GOOD).
E4E Co-Founder Sydney Morris shares why teachers started E4E
Sydney shares how her experiences in the classroom and a desire to see teachers as agents of change lead her to work with other teachers to start E4E (Tulane New Wave). 
E4E co-founder participates in Chicago Ideas Week
Speaking as part of its Lunch n' Learn series promoting social entrepreneurship, Sydney Morris shared the work that E4E teachers are doing across the country (The Ideasphere).
Teachers should be the 'agents of change'
Teachers are experts and need to have a voice in policy, write E4E co-founders Evan Stone and Sydney Morris in TakePart.
"Won't Back Down" director says E4E offers solutions
E4E has a "solid understanding" of how to address education issues, notes Daniel Barnz on HLN.
E4E co-founders blog on EdWeek
Evan Stone and Sydney Morris, who will be guest blogging on Education Week's Rick Hess Straight Up this week, tell the story of how Educators 4 Excellence grew out of their need for a voice while in the classroom.
The market for teacher voice
Huffington Post contributing blogger Allie Kimmel surveys how teachers are working with their unions to promote change.
Breaking the Stalemate
Los Angeles teachers recommend a multi-measured teacher evaluation system that incorporates observations, student growth, and stakeholder input.
Reject the Status Quo to Solve Problems
Marc Ozburn of profiles both E4E and Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution as organizations addressing big problems head-on instead of waiting for the status quo to change.