Educators for Excellence-New York Code of Conduct

Educators for Excellence holds Respect and Professionalism as core to achieving our goals of building Dynamic Leadership in an environment of Diversity and Inclusiveness.

To honor these core values, this code of conduct outlines and defines the expected behavior and social norms for staff, members, and non-members at any event hosted by Educators for Excellence-New York and provides procedures for addressing breaches of this Code of Conduct. By attending an E4E-New York event you agree to our Code of Conduct – there are no exceptions. 

Educators for Excellence-New York is committed to providing a harassment-free social and learning environment, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. Harassment of any form will not be tolerated and violating these standards will lead to the offender not being allowed back at future Educators for Excellence-New York events.

To create change that improves the lives of educators and students we must live these values in our interactions with each other:

  • Be friendly and welcoming.
  • Be patient – remember people communicate in different ways and in different languages.
  • Be thoughtful – think about how your words will be interpreted and remember sometimes not commenting is the best action.
  • Be respectful – especially respect differences.
  • Be charitable – always give people the benefit of the doubt, when there is disagreement try to understand why.

Prohibited destructive behavior – 

  • Any offensive or demeaning comment, remark, or epithet referring to race, gender, or other protected status, including that which is intended as humor;
  • Any offensive or demeaning gesture or other behavior directed toward another person because of that person’s race, gender, or other protected status;
  • Any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature.
  • Any unwelcome physical touching or contact with another person’s body without consent

What to do if you witness harassment

If the behavior of someone at an event hosted by E4E-New York makes you or someone else feel uncomfortable, threatened or unwelcome, you have a number of options.

  1. If you feel safe in addressing the issue immediately, please do so. Identify the language or behavior that made you uncomfortable, and an E4E-New York staff member will address it and make sure it doesn’t happen again. You do not need to be the target of the behavior to speak out.

  2. If addressing an issue publicly is unsafe or impossible, please speak to an E4E-New York staff member or staff of the location hosting the event (ie, the manager of the restaurant hosting the event). 

  3. If you need to make a complaint anonymously or the complaint refers to an E4E-New York staff member, please contact Educators for Excellence-New York’s Executive Director Paula L White at [email protected]. 

E4E-New York staff members reserve the right to shut down the event at any time due to any violations of this Code.  

This Code of Conduct does not replace the anti-harassment procedures outlined for Educators for Excellence staff members in the Employee Handbook.