See the ways in which E4E and its members are making headlines.
Listen Up, Candidates: Most Teachers Feel Their Voices Aren’t Being Heard, New Survey Reveals
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
National, Boston, Chicago, Connecticut, Los Angeles, Minnesota, New York
Read the entire article by Mark Keierleber on the 74. As the Democratic presidential hopefuls release campaign promises to woo America’s K-12 educators — a...
Here's What Teachers Think About Training, Pay, Strikes, and Choice

Wednesday, January 22, 2020
National, Boston, Chicago, Connecticut, Los Angeles, Minnesota, New York
Read the entire article by Madeline Will on Education Week. About a third of teachers would go on strike over pay, a new survey finds. Yet despite frustrations with the…
LAUSD has a chance to help city’s students and teachers by releasing growth data

Monday, November 4, 2019
Los Angeles
To read the entire op-ed by E4E-Los Angeles Executive Director Jeimee Estrada, visit the LA School Report. Tuesday, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has...
School suspensions don’t work. California is right to restrict them

Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Los Angeles
Read the entire op-ed by E4E-Los Angeles member Christina Kim on Cal Matters. I once had a student who needed intensive behavioral support. Some people at my school felt this...
Simple answers on class size won’t help the CPS students who need it most. Here’s what will.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019
National, Chicago, Los Angeles
Read the entire op-ed by E4E-Chicago member Dr. Winnie Williams Hall and E4E-Los Angeles member Marisa Crabtree on the Chicago Tribune....
A path forward on school discipline in the shadow of Betsy DeVos’s dismantling of protections
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
National, Boston, Chicago, Connecticut, Los Angeles, Minnesota, New York
Read the entire op-ed on the Washington Post by Evan Stone, Co-CEO and Co-Founder of Educators for Excellence; Cami Anderson,...
Teacher voices on NCLB
Friday, January 16, 2015
Los Angeles
As the debate on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) begins, teachers’ voices have been missing. E4E-Los Angeles teacher Phylis Hoffman recently asked several colleagues for their views (Education...
For states creating teacher policies, a suggestion: Talk to teachers
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Los Angeles
At E4E-Los Angeles teacher Jeff Austin’s school, English teachers use a “Japanese model” where they teach one day, then collaborate, assess, work one-on-one with students, and complete other tasks the...
'Teachers can and should be agents of change,' say Ama Nyamekye and Sydney Morris
Friday, February 22, 2013
Los Angeles, New York
Ama, E4E-Los Angeles’ executive director, and Sydney, E4E’s co-founder, reflect on E4E teachers’ efforts to create bottom-up change and elevate the voices of educators (GOOD).