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As an organization with thousands of union-voting members, E4E-NY believes in the history, importance, and power of teachers’ unions. We see strong, democratic unions as vital to the future of the teaching profession, and believe that teacher power is the key to making that vision possible. 

E4E-NY teachers are deeply committed to rejecting the status quo, advocating for positive change, and fighting to strengthen their unions. By fostering evolution, improvement, and a united commitment to democracy, our membership is working to fortify their union and create lasting, positive change for teachers and students alike. In an effort to ensure their union is the best version of itself, E4E-NY and other NYCPS educators are currently taking action in two key ways:

Getting Out The Vote

E4E-NY educators are preparing to make a voting plan for the upcoming spring election through a robust “Get Out The Vote” effort. They believe that high voter participation is critical to building high participation, solidarity, and representation. 


Modernize Voting Option

E4E-NY educators are advocating for the UFT to modernize its voting process, ensuring easier and more accessible participation for teachers. They want what is offered in many other unions across the country: higher voter turnout by offering the opportunity to vote for leadership positions online.



How Is E4E-NY Different Than a Union? Why Does E4E-NY Exist? 

E4E-NY is not a union; we don’t negotiate contracts or engage in political campaigns. Instead, we help teachers identify challenges in their schools, develop solutions, and advocate for change through their unions and with policymakers, ensuring all students receive a high-quality education.

Why Does E4E-NY Care About Unions? 

We value strong unions because they are instrumental in elevating the teaching profession and improving education. They are a crucial mechanism for making the teaching profession rewarding, sustainable, and dynamic.

What Kinds of Issues Does E4E-NY Advocate for, With Regard to Unions?

E4E-NY educators prioritize union engagement, emphasizing the importance of sharing their perspectives, participating in meetings, and advocating for issues they care about. We also focus on increasing voter turnout in union elections to ensure the union remains democratic and truly representative of New York City’s teachers.

What Is E4E-NY’s Relationship with the UFT Chapter Leaders and Delegates In New York City?

E4E-NY has very strong relationships with UFT chapter leaders and delegates and even offers support such as training and professional learning opportunities to help educators participate in their union. 

What Is E4E-NY’s Relationship With the UFT and Its Caucuses?

The UFT includes many caucuses with diverse views, and we hope that all of them, especially the currently seated Unity Caucus, see E4E-NY’s educators as collaborators and advocates for New York City’s teachers and students. The majority of our members are UFT members themselves, and support a wide range of caucuses.

As A Non-Profit, E4E-NY Is Funded By Donors. How Does It Address Concerns About “Big Money” Getting Involved In Our Union? 

We recognize that some may be understandably wary of the influence of “big money” in education. However, our policies and direction are driven by teachers. Our National Policy Agenda, for example, is informed by the perspectives of thousands of teachers, and developed in close partnership with our National Teacher Leader Council. We also limit donor contributions and separate our funding from our policy-making processes because ultimately, we represent teachers.