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Demand Prioritizing SEL, Trauma Supports, and Anti-Racism in Chicago Public Schools

Our education system is riddled with racial inequities and trauma, and now is the time to address this unacceptable reality and begin the work of dismantling these systems of oppression.

Our education system is riddled with racial inequities and trauma, and now is the time to address this unacceptable reality and begin the work of dismantling these systems of oppression. Before learning can occur, their social and emotional well-being must become a daily commitment and renewed through an anti-racist lens, otherwise we run the risk of continuing to traumatize our students. We must move from hashtags — such as #SEL, #trauma, and #anti-racism — to reality: our students need action and we need the resources to make that happen. We must change our curriculum, pedagogy, mindsets, and policies to reflect our values and restore our school communities.

Learn more about our educator-led plan and recommendations for bringing our schools from hashtags to healing.

Take Action

Our education system is riddled with racial inequities and trauma, and now is the time to address this unacceptable reality. You can take action right now by demanding CPS leaders prioritize SEL and dismantling systems of oppression in our schools!

From Hashtags…

Spread the word and help us move from hashtags to healing by sharing one of the messages below on social media.

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To Healing…

E4E-Chicago members throughout the city have been advocating for two of our recommendations: protecting SEL and other related service provider staff from cuts, and the need for ongoing mandatory training for all staff to build antiracist, healing-centered competencies. Hear two educator testimonies around why these recommendations are so important to them and their students below.


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