May 28, 2020

What Teachers Want: ‘Looping,’ Grouping by Ability, and Digital Devices, Survey Says

Read the entire article by Sarah Schwartz on Education Week.

Teachers are worried about the learning gaps that students may have at the beginning of next school year, and they support non-traditional options to try to get students back on track, such as grouping students by competency level rather than age, or “looping” students to the next grade with the same teacher.

They’re also concerned about health and safety if buildings open up again in the fall—and they want districts to make a bigger push to get digital devices in the hands of every student if school buildings stay closed.

That’s according to a new, nationally representative survey from Educators for Excellence.

To read the complete article, visit Education Week.

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What Teachers Want: ‘Looping,’ Grouping by Ability, and Digital Devices, Survey Says