September 15, 2020

Stop assuming students need more discipline and listen to us

Read the complete op-ed by E4E-Minnesota student intern Rayna Acha on MinnPost.

After George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) officers, Minneapolis took to the streets to protest his unjust death. Many museums, parks, and businesses cut ties with the department. People demanded Minneapolis Public Schools follow suit, which the school board ultimately did. This decision was widely celebrated at the time, but recent developments suggest the move was more a performative than truly anti-racist policy decision. Actually dismantling systemic racism in our school requires meaningfully engaging with and listening to students. Instead of engagement, there was a quick shift of funds to fill positions that appear to be similar to security guards. 

In cities across the country, students — especially those of color — are policed in their schools and at home in their neighborhoods. Minneapolis is no different. We are told that police are there to protect and serve, but for many Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) and disabled people, this is not their experience. 

To read the complete op-ed, visit MinnPost.

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Stop assuming students need more discipline and listen to us