February 26, 2019
Latest effort to boost minority teaching ranks proposed
Read the entire article by Linda Conner Lambeck on the CT Post.
BRIDGEPORT — Freshman Sen. Dennis Bradley, D-Bridgeport, made a local pitch Monday for a bill aimed at compelling school districts to put more teachers of color in front of an increasingly diverse student body.
The bill, which Bradley said would at least get a public hearing in the current legislative session, calls on districts to draft five-year minority teacher recruitment plans that the state would have to approve.
“It is a problem I have seen as a member of the (Bridgeport) Board of Education,” Bradley said from the third floor community room of the city’s public library. “There is really something to be said about the impact a minority teacher can make, especially a male minority teacher, in the life of young people of color.
To read the complete article, visit the CT Post.
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Latest effort to boost minority teaching ranks proposed