June 28, 2022
Here’s What NYC Educators Say About CRE

Over the last several months, New York City educators have been gathering with E4E organizers and colleagues to discuss culturally relevant education, and they’ve been sharing stories about what culturally relevant education means to them. The events, which have taken the form of lunches, happy hours, and watch parties, have given teachers the opportunity to have conversations that they’re not always accustomed to.
A common theme among the educators in attendance was that culturally relevant education is critical because it validates the experiences of students, and in doing so, can make the classroom a more inspiring place to learn. Teachers also emphasized that it’s important for students to fully understand the experiences of other people, both in the classroom and in the world.
A post shared by Educators for Excellence (@ed4excellence)
During these events, over 600 educators also signed a petition, seeking an update on a proposed plan for a universal, culturally relevant curriculum called Mosaic. While educators said the DOE’s pledge of over $200 million to develop the curriculum was exciting, it has been almost a full year since the curriculum was announced, and teachers are concerned by the lack of movement and progress. Teachers have not heard how the spending will be used, or how teacher feedback will be incorporated. There has also been no proposed timeline for the curriculum’s rollout. To learn about Mosaic and the petition, more information can be found here. Educators that are interested in joining future conversations in their schools and attending events can complete the form below.
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Here’s What NYC Educators Say About CRE