March 31, 2021

E4E-Minnesota Honors International Transgender Day of Visibility

Paula Cole • Executive Director of E4E-Minnesota

Educators for Excellence-Minnesota is proud to honor transgender and non-binary people on Trans Day of Visibility, which is held every year on March 31st. Today we celebrate you for your courage, your strength, and your commitment to staying true to who you are. 

As a teacher-led organization with over 2,300 members in Minnesota, we also stand with our members who support their transgender or non-binary students and their families. Teachers, each day, your students join you in class hoping to learn, to be loved, to be accepted, and to be understood. As you work to deliver on this promise, every team member at Educators for Excellence-MN vows to stand with you and to support you as you work to make your classrooms a safe space where all students are loved, celebrated, and empowered. 

This is why on Trans Day of Visibility, we condemn any legislative proposals that seek to penalize transgender or non-binary people for being who they are.

Within less than 90 days this year, more than 20 states have introduced laws against transgender athletes who wish to play sports in teams aligned with the gender they identify with. Alarmingly, Minnesota is the first state in which a bill has been introduced to criminalize transgender women athletes. Educators for Excellence-MN calls on all Minnesota legislators to denounce inhumane bills like this one. We urge legislators and all members of the community to call out the politics of fear and intolerance that shamefully result in attempts to punish people choosing to live the truth of who they are.

On this Trans Visibility Day, we want all transgender and non-binary people to know that we see you and that we are with you in this fight to overcome the significant legal and cultural challenges that you face every day.

Join me and send a message to let your member of Congress know that you expect them to stand for the rights and dignity of trans students.​

Background Image:
Paula Cole
Paula Cole is the executive director of E4E-Minnesota

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E4E-Minnesota Honors International Transgender Day of Visibility