The Voices from the Classroom 2023 Report Cards assess whether E4E’s chapter districts and states are providing teachers what they are calling for in our annual survey of 1,000 teachers across the country. Check out the report cards on curriculum, assessments and accountability, and compensation and layoffs to see how your state and district measure up.
Content Report Card
Only one-third of teachers report that they have the curricular materials needed for effective instruction and that they have received training to effectively implement their materials, and only a quarter say their materials are culturally relevant. The Content Report Card assesses whether teachers receive high-quality, culturally relevant instructional materials and the training needed to implement them.
Expectations Report Card
Ninety percent of teachers believe students should have a summative measure of learning from the beginning to the end of the year, but only 38% say they receive training on how to use that data to inform their work and only 60% say they use the data to inform parents of student progress. The Expectations Report Card examines to what extent districts are effectively leveraging assessments and the data they produce, and whether they provide diverse career path options to their students.
Teaching & Time Report Card
Two-thirds of teachers believe that higher salaries are the best way to attract and retain a talented and diverse workforce, and teachers overwhelmingly favor differentiating compensation for top performers or teachers working in hard-to-staff schools or subject areas. The Teaching and Time Report Card evaluates whether teachers in each of E4E’s chapter districts and states are paid a living wage, have the opportunity to receive differentiated compensation, and are assessed based on qualities other than their seniority in the case of layoffs.